
Mental Photography

ZOX Pro TrainingMental Photography

1. (v.) The action of assimilating information at the rate of 25,000 words per minute or greater. Exceeds normal reading and speed reading parameters. syn. ZOXing.

2. (v.) Intense information transfer to long term memory utilizing eidetic memory (photographic memory) brain function at high rates of speed beyond reading or speed reading.

3. (syn.) ZOXing, to ZOX.

To gain access to Mental Photography and ZOXing, please visit ZOX Pro Training for more information.

Mental Photography, as we provide in ZOX Pro Training and Brain Management, use the natural photographic memory to provide mountains of quality information at lightning fast speed – at over 25,000 words per minute. That is > 2 pages per second. Our clients easily exceed speeds of 100,000 wpm, with 100% retention for life.


Mental Photography also has specialised abilities  Early testing proved that something significantly different was happening inside the brain as people used Mental Photography. Here are a few of the results of using Mental Photography:

Super excites all levels of consciousness at the same time, as your brain gains information at high speeds into your long term memory.

Balances both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously, causing high levels of communication across the corpus callosum – known as whole brain activation.

Stimulates high production of brain chemicals and endorphins in the brain, which may cause sensations of well-being, similar to “runner’s high” – a natural high without the need of drugs.

Stimulates production of dendrites – the memory storage located on nerve cells, providing more memory and access to memory. Typical memorization methods do not create this level of production.

Recent scientific findings also indicate…

Stimulating ongoing production of new brain cells and synapses from stem cells already residing within the brain.

Therefore, your brain is building and changing dynamically (Neuroplasticity) due to stimulation provided by Mental Photography. It gives you a stronger, more resilient brain.